Two things every manager needs to do to keep motivation level high
Two things every manager needs to do to keep motivation level high.
No. 1 Lead By Example on things manager needs to do
Lead with your actions. Actions will always speak louder than words. If you are motivated and bring energy, your employees will react to that. And I mean in every aspect of the day, not just when you’re running a meeting. How you interact with people. Emails you send. Your posture in a meeting.
Everyone is always watching and they are looking to you for an example of how to behave. Don’t forget that everything stems from the top. The way you act and behave in the presence of your employees will dictate so much of how motivated they are.

No. 2 Knowing what your employees want to keep motivation level high
Figure out what it is that your employees want most in life, and help them get it. Let them know that you are invested in it. Check in with them often on how it is doing.
Everybody is driven by different things. We all have our own dreams, aspirations, and beliefs that motivate us. So you need to use your ears and listen. You need to sit down with your employees and understand where they want to take their careers. What’s their ambition? What do they want to do with their life? By sitting down with people and actually listening, you’ll be able to set up your employees for success while also motivating them to work hard and fast.